#TechieThursday is scheduled every Thursday for knowledge sharing and open discussion purposes. #TechieThursday is being held by Net Square's employees to share their knowledge with each other and to discuss new attacks and exploitation techniques as well as new technologies that helps us to stay up to date in the industry.

21st May, 2020
Regular Expression Injection
By, Elton Crasto
Learn the basic concepts of Regular Expression Injection.

14th May, 2020
HTML5 Messaging (Post Message)
By, Parth Jhankharia
Learn the basic concept of HTTP Post Message and Attack scenario.

7th May, 2020
Node.js Deserialization
By, Khushal Suthar
Learn the concepts of Node.js deserialization based attack scenarios.

5th May, 2020
RIA Cross Domain Policy
By, Durvijay Jaiswar
Learn the basic concept of Cross-Domain Policy.

28th April, 2020
Python Deserialization Attacks
By, Manmeet Singh
Learn how Deserialization tends to vulnerability and which python modules are vulnerable to deserialization attacks.

28th April, 2020
LDAP Injection
By, Swapnil Jain
Understand the web server architecture with LDAP server and what impact LDAP injection can cause.

23rd April, 2020
NoSql Injection
By, Muzkkir Husseni
Let's review some code and understand how advanced injection attack NoSQLi occurs.

21st April, 2020
By, Kamlesh Tukaral
Understand how sandboxing works and techniques about how the latest malware evades the sandboxing.

31st March, 2020
Log Analysis
By, Ravi Kariya
Logs record every action that took place on your network, logs provide the insight you need to spot issues that might impact performance, compliance, and security.

29th February, 2020
Thick Client Testing Advanced
By, Foram Dave & Aman Barot
Let's get started with a deep dive into advanced techniques by capturing the request and reversing the application.

22th February, 2020
Thick Client Testing Basics
By, Foram Dave & Aman Barot
Understand the basic difference b/w thick and thin client application and learn the techniques to capture the application traffic.

6th February, 2020
Docker 101
By, Nishith
Common attack techniques against a containerized environment and the process for testing and auditing containers.