Workshop: Red Teaming
Red teaming is exciting for any hacker, But everyone knows it in unstructured way of working it out, Mitre Framework has a Structure that can be uilized for these attacks, Lets have a discussion on few case studies performed at NS and understanding of Mitre Framework & how it can be used for "Breach and attack simulation" with a pre designed workshop.
- Key learning objectives
- Red teaming Case Studies
- Mitre Framework, TTP's
- Att&ck navigator
- APT's
- Breach & attack Simulation
- Usecases
- Demo/Workshop on 1 APT simulation
- Utilities/Software Requirements
- Vmware Workstation/Oracle Virtual Box
- VM's shall be provided at conclave.
- System Requirements
- Linux OS
- Hardware Requirements
- Laptop (Min. 12GB RAM)
Ravikumar Paghdal
Ravikumar is a Senior Manager at Net Square, providing cutting edge information security services to clients around the globe. He has an M.C.A. from UTU University. He has more than nine years of experience starting from web application developer and information security. His work bug hunting and responsible disclosure have led him into the top 50 Google Vulnerability Reward Program also include Microsoft, Apple, Oracle and many more. He has been performing Web Application, iOS, and Android pentest and leads Net Square’s professional services team. Ravikumar has led the evolution of Net-Square's capability from doing application architecture audits to application pen testing to performing hybrid attacks testing which also includes performing red teaming.